How to collect a logs.

SARA is a Microsoft tool to create an Outlook profile and to know why the outlook is freezing, hanging. These tools help us to collect the logs. 

SARA Tools is a Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant which helps us to collect the logs and from that logs, we could read about the Outlook issue, And there we could get the (.html) file which also helps with the link to fix the issue. 

  • Link to Download the SARA logs:-   Download Tools
  • Install this Application on your Machine to collects the logs about the issue. 
  • Launch the Application 
  • Select the option that you want to perform. 

Click on Outlook and select the option, Below feature will help to get the job done. 


  • To collect the logs please select 'Advance diagnostics' and then select the feature which you were looking for. 

  • Once you were done you would see (see logs) option on the top right. 
  • Click on that and would see the upload folder. On that folder, you would see (.etl, HTML) file 
  • Open the HTML file and you would be able to see the error and the link to fix the issue. 
  • Or you could also import your (.ETL) file on Event viewer and you could see the error. 


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